Sun for a Hidden Horizon
Sun for a Hidden Horizon, single channel HD video with sound (excerpt from original 13 min 56 sec work), 2018 l Assistant camera: Alan McGregor
How does the sun set on a city? A large video projection onto the Australian Ballet Centre at dusk invokes an echo of the sun as it sets, momentarily offering a connection to the horizon line and a natural phenomenon otherwise largely obscured from view inside the built environment. The projection comprised an edited extract from a longer work set within the volcanic plains grasslands of Melbourne’s northern suburbs. A secondary, spectral sun is brought forth via the simple gesture of flaring sunlight in a mirror, a transient moment that otherwise gives way to the surrounding landscape and the more-than-human lives within it. This full-length work was simultaneously displayed in The Clear Box gallery at Testing Grounds.
A site-specific installation, Sun for a Hidden Horizon took place in September 2018 as part of Critical Mass at Testing Grounds, during Melbourne Fringe. See video documentation here.
Sun for a Hidden Horizon (edited extract), projected onto the wall of The Australian Ballet Centre, 2018 l Photo credit: Andrew Curtis
Sun for a Hidden Horizon, single channel HD video with sound, 13 min 56 sec, 2018, installation view, Testing Grounds l Photo credit: Andrew Curtis
Sun for a Hidden Horizon, single channel HD video with sound, 13 min 56 sec, 2018, installation view, Testing Grounds l Photo credit: Andrew Curtis